LevitCIT-StückAirdrumsSlicing20vs23New SoundscapesLuft
During the concert everybody in the Auditorium was asked to fill a questionnaire such that each piece could be evaluated. The goal of the questionnaire is to assess the perception of each music piece for the different listeners (cochlear implant users, normal hearing listeners, hearing aid users, etc). The results of the questionnaire for the three groups are presented in the Figure below. In total 250 people registered for the concert, 140 filled the questionnaire from which 51 were cochlear implant users and 7 were hearing aid users. Please note that the musIC 2.0 concert covered a wide range of styles. Each music piece used different instruments and technologies which impacted the ratings in different ways. The goal of the questionnaire is not to assess the best rated pieces but to compare the different listening groups. In general the three different groups obtained similar satisfaction ratios for the different pieces."Es gibt noch ca. 100 freie Plätze im Auditorium. Kurzentschlossene haben also eine gute Chance auf eine Karte und mögen bitte einfach vorbeikommen. Wir starten pünktich um 17:00 Uhr!" Bitte schnell bei Daniela Beyer anmelden: [email protected]
Ein Konzert speziell für CI-Träger – genau das bereitet gerade das Deutsche HörZentrum (DHZ) der HNO-Klinik an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover gemeinsam mit der Musikhochschule Hannover vor. „musIC 2.0“ titelt das Konzert, zu dem CI-Träger mit Familie und Freunden sowie Interessierte und Musikbegeisterte für Freitag, 13. Februar 2015, um 17 Uhr im Forum des Sparkassenverbands am Schiffgraben 6-8 eingeladen sind. Konzipiert wurde das Projekt von Professor Waldo Nogueira von der HNO-Klinik der MHH.
Da Musikhören für viele Träger von Cochlea-Implantaten eher schwierig ist – das CI war bisher in erster Linie auf ein gutes Sprachverstehen ausgerichtet – muss sich vielleicht die Musik ändern, um für CI-Träger ein Genuss zu sein. Aus diesem Grund komponieren die Tonkünstler der Musikhochschule Hannover neue Stücke, die auf die Besonderheiten des Hörens mit CI abgestimmt sind. Dazu hat Prof. Nogueira viele CI-Träger gewinnen können, die sich in mehreren Treffen mit den Musikern ausgetauscht und ihnen die Möglichkeiten wie die Grenzen des CI erklärt haben. Der Eintritt ist frei, allerdings gibt es aufgrund der begrenzten Platzzahl die Konzertkarten nur per Vorbestellung. Bitte melden Sie sich dazu bei Daniela Beyer von der HNO-Klinik, [email protected], Telefon 0511 532 3016. Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ist das Forum über Haltestelle Aegidientorplatz zu erreichen, Parkplätze stehen im Parkhaus neben dem Forum (kostenpflichtig) zur Verfügung. Here the Media Press Releases: Deutschlandfunk (Forschung Aktuell): PodCast and Article Springermedizin: http://www.springermedizin.at/artikel/46012-konzert-fuer-cochlea-implantat-traeger-hat-begeistert Informations Dienst Wissenschaften: http://www.idw-online.de/de/news614893 www.hannover.de: http://www.hannover.de/Veranstaltungs%C2%ADkalender/Konzerte/MusIC-2.0-Konzert-f%C3%BCr-das-H%C3%B6ren-mit-Cochlea-Implantat MHH Press: http://www.mh-hannover.de/46.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3743&cHash=5d055b1036b29fdfc4ba8cd0e2c83d6f. 12 CI users and 4 composers met again at the German Hearing Center. This was the last possibility to interact before the final concert, the 13th of February!
The Seminar was very fruitful, the composers came already with parts of their compositions and some of them even tried last minute changes. We all could feel that the compositions were maturing and we all are excited about the final concert. The seminar was organized dividing the 12 CI users in 4 groups. Each group started in a different room and after 20 minutes we changed the rooms. In each room each composer presented his/her composition or a part of it to gain feedback from the CI users. Here below we show some Pictures of this event: We organized a special Seminar in Barcelona. Two of the composers that will participate in the concert in Hannover and a CI user met at the ESMUC (Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya). During this meeting the composers in Barcelona presented a preliminary recording of their compositions to the CI user. Additionally we talked about the limitations of listening to music with CIs and and the CI user could give us feedback. It was a very helpful meeting!Seminar III was fantastic. By far the most productive Seminar so far, and this thanks to the great work done by the 4 composers participating. Each composer built his/her own music experiment. The CI users were divided into 4 groups depending on two questions:
• A) Were you musically active before you hearing loss started? (Minimum of 2 years: Instrument, Chore, active Singing, other music groups …) • b) Are you still musically active after your CI implantation? (regular Music exercises, playing instruments, other music training etc.) – Group 1: a) Yes b) Yes – Group 2: a) Yes b) No – Group 3: a) No b) Yes – Group 4: a) No b) No Each group filled a questionnaire and underwent four activities sequentially. The results of the questionnaire are summarized in Table 1. Each activity was programmed by each composer. Jiuen Jun prepared some exercises with her violin, Arsalaan prepared some auditions using his recorded textures. Jacob Sello presented his new great sesor interface and Clemens Damerau configured his keyboard to generate many different instruments. Each group of CI users actively interacted with the muscians. It was simply great! Seminar II was a great event. We started with a bit of delay, but we were able to cover all the topics programmed in advance. Seminar II was divided into three parts. Part I presented the technical details of cochlear implants. Part II was a great part, we connected to JP who wears a CI and hears perfectly on the other side, and she is a musician! The third part was also very interesting, we performed an audition of pieces from previous concerts (Barcelona, Melbourne and Southampton).
Waldo Nogueira is Junior Professor at the German Hearing Center of Medical University Hannover SponsorArchives
May 2015
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